COVID-19 and HIV: If you have HIV and have concerns related to the coronavirus COVID-19, please check out these resources.
For more than 30 years, the AIDS Service Foundation of Greater Kansas City has been committed to eliminating the stigma, suffering, and spread of HIV/AIDS. As a leader in the fight against this disease, the Foundation provides educational and financial resources to four local organizations that directly support the more than 5,700 men, women, and children in Kansas City affected by HIV/AIDS. Your generosity allows KC Care Health Center, SAVE Inc., and Hope Care Center to continue to diagnose, treat, and provide holistic support.
In addition to supporting these organizations, the Foundation also contributes to its Aids Service Foundation Community Fund. This fund awards grants to not-for-profit organizations that serve the specialized needs of the diverse communities dealing with HIV/AIDS, provide support to their families, and/or promote education and prevention.
Kansas City continues to surpass national trends for its rate of suppressing viral loads – 74% locally compared to 35% nationally. This is a direct result of ASFGKC’s dedication and hard work over the past three decades. Kansas City’s record is testimony to the U=U campaign promise that “Undetectable equals Untransmittable” and shows how continued local support will help area residents live full, productive lives.

HIV/AIDS is not over
We have seen great advancements in the past several years with drug therapies. Many have made miraculous changes in HIV and AIDS patients’ lives and those who care for them. However, many obstacles still exist for those fighting this disease, such as stigma, the expenses and availability of treatments, and the continuous need for direct services of life’s essentials like housing, food, and care.
Stigma is bad for everyone, but HIV-related stigma is one of the most challenging obstacles for those living with this disease. Negative attitudes and uneducated opinions towards people living with HIV can negatively affect their health and well-being. These actions often hinder people from learning their HIV status, accessing treatment, or staying in care. This is why ASFGKC is here. We are with you, and together, we will continue to educate, support, and serve Kansas City’s HIV/AIDS community.
People, especially our youth and young adults, are still contracting HIV. While we’re pleased with the progress Kansas City has made, no one should be content with the nearly 5,000 people living with HIV/AIDS in our community.
Since 1992, the AIDS Service Foundation of Greater Kansas City has steadfastly remained true to its founding mission and continues to be an essential part of the HIV/AIDS fabric. Our mission remains the same — to fund local organizations that provide food, shelter, medical support, and other services to our area’s diverse communities living with HIV/AIDS. We are passionate about educating the public about this disease.
Our mission is simple. The charge is clear—passion, your passion, fuels every action of this very foundation.

36th Annual AIDS WALK
Saturday, April 27th, 2024
10:00 AM
It’s that time of year!
Time to rally for the 36th annual AIDS WALK Kansas City!
On behalf of our presenter, the AIDS Service Foundation of Greater KC,
we invite you to join us as we WALK2STOP HIV Stigma and celebrate 36 years of life-saving steps!

Are you PrEPared?
Did you know there is a pill for HIV prevention? PrEP and PEP are for everyone at-risk, regardless of gender, race, or sexuality.